
Many people suffering from pain are unaware that pain relief treatment is not just about medical solutions. In fact, a strong component of pain is the lifestyle of the individual. By modifying one’s habits, particularly with regards to diet and exercise, significant results can be achieved.

One obvious benefit of a healthy diet and regular exercise is weight loss. You may be aware that when our bodies carry excess weight, we are more likely to experience back and knee pain. However, making adjustments to our diets and workout regimens has broader implications than reductions in weight.

A strong diet and exercise schedule for pain management

Although the FDA and other governmental entities have not sufficiently researched the power of Eastern dietary tactics toward pain, nutrition has been used as a pain relief treatment for millennia. A few recommendations from nutritional expert Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa are as follows:

  1. Choose anti-inflammatory foods: Fat, especially saturated fat, causes the body’s fibers to become inflamed. In other words, meat and dairy aren’t just a challenge for weight loss. They also exacerbate existing pain conditions. Choosing anti-inflammatory fats can significantly reduce the severity of your pain. Your body performs best with high doses of omega-3 fatty acids, found in sardines, salmon, and flaxseeds.
  2. Get plenty of tryptophan: A natural way to reduce your experience of pain is to increase your tolerance for it. Tolerance is improved when the levels of calming chemicals are high in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that decreases your sensitivity to pain. To boost your serotonin levels, up your intake of tryptophan, an amino acid found in cheddar cheese, eggs, and poultry.

As noted above, pain management also benefits greatly from an optimized focus on physical fitness. Khalsa recommends the following with regards to exercise and general wellness:

  1. Circulatory difficulties reduce the amount of oxygen, vitamins, and minerals entering your brain. Restricted blood flow inhibits your body’s ability to detoxify your brain as well, causing brain cells to die. When that happens, your body gradually becomes less capable of pain alleviation. Regular cardiovascular exercise can counteract that trend.
  2. Numerous studies suggest that tobacco smoking has a strong correlation with chronic pain. To enhance your natural pain management apparatus, give up any smoking habit as soon as possible.

Comprehensive pain solutions

At Weston Medical, we understand the far-reaching ramifications of chronic pain. The above advice can help you readjust your daily life, but you may also benefit from a range of innovative treatment methods, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy or stem cell joint therapy. Our multidisciplinary approach gives you access to diverse pain relief modalities. Call now for immediate assistance.

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