Dr. Erik Kuyn, MD
Physical Medicine & Rehab Physician
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Address Info :2237 North Commerce Parkway, Suite 2, Weston, FL 33326
Dr. Kuyn is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, with a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine. Dr. Kuyn most recently practiced with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Spine and Sports Medicine care, in the Foundation’s Department of Neurology. Dr. Kuyn’s graduate medical education was also with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, as he served as Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellow from 2009-2010. He also served as Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from 2004 to 2008 and as Chief Resident in 2007-08. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from Saint George’s University in Grenada, West Indies.
Dr. Kuyn also possesses a wealth of Sports Medicine experience with professional athletics as well as collegiately and the prep level. He worked with the United States Tennis Association (USTA), the NHL’s Florida Panthers and in Cleveland, with the Cavaliers (NBA), Browns (NFL) and Indians (MLB).